(Trust in G-d)
- We all face difficult situations in the course of
life. This is short essay about the value of Bitachon in the face of an
obstacle. Based on a sichot of the Rebbe, shlita.
and Divine Providence
- Can we change our reality with Bitachon? Is this a
way to make G-d give us what we want? This essay builds on the previous
essay to increase our understanding of what Bitachon is about.
Essence of Chabad Chassidus
- Is Chabad Chassidus characteristically different from
other forms of Torah study? And if so - what makes it special?
can't Chabad be more like "Mainstream Orthodoxy"?
- Why do Chabadniks have to be different from everyone
else? In particular, why don't they do outreach in a "normal" fashion
like other "Mainstream Orthodox" groups?
can one tell if a person is truly a Chabad Chassid?
- Who really speaks for Chabad? Who has the right to
call himself a Chabadnik?
we trade land for peace?
- What is the real underlying issue, and how do we deal
with the disputes within the Jewish and Orthodox community about this
Giving Rebuke: A Guide to the Hypercritical and Hypersensitive
- What is it about getting a rebuke in public that
stings so much? What is the place for criticism and rebukes according
to Chassidic thought?
Katif: The Way Forward
- The truth of what happened and the true path to
Ortho-Truth, and a Strong Moral Compass
- How does one deal with suicide bombers according to
Search of Truth
- Historical Parallels as a Means of Understanding the
Rise of Arab Nationalism
The True
Special Forces
- What can we learn from Military Special and Psychological