MPEG Video Gallery

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Talking to David Chase Ground Breaking at 770 Ground Breaking at 770
2,647K MPEG, 180x120, 1:06 17,186K MPEG, 360x240, 1:42 22,651K MPEG, 360x240, 2:15
The Rebbe speaking in English to David Chase, real estate developer and philanthropist. The Rebbe encourages Mr. Chase to speak more Yiddish The Rebbe speaking at the ground breaking ceremony for the expansion of the main Chabad Shul, 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY. USA Billionaire David Chase speaking at the ground breaking ceremony for the expansion of the main Chabad Shul, 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY. USA
Talking to Mayor Koch Ground Breaking at 770 Haftorah for a fast day
16,316K MPEG, 360x240, 1:37 11,484K MPEG, 360x240, 1:08 38,489K MPEG, 360x240, 3:50
The Rebbe speaking in English to Mayor Koch, Mayor of New York City. The Rebbe is giving him lekach (cake). It is a Chassidic custom to receive lekach from the Rebbe before Yom Kippur. The Rebbe laying the corner stone (rosh pina) at the ground breaking ceremony for the expansion of the main Chabad Shul, 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY. USA The Rebbe reading the Haftorah for a fast day (Tzom Gedaliah), and also the Rebbe davening Shemonah Esra (the amidah).

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Video Cinematographer: Yechezkal Shimon Gutfreund