- If we expect Moshiach to come immediately, and he does not, won't we be disappointed?
Manis Friedman
- The mistake of the spies; Chassidim before/after the histalkus of the Rebbe; the
difference between Chasidim and Chasidimlach
importance of learning about Moshiach
- Doesn't the Rambam say not to spend too much time learning about Moshiach?
& Moshiach
- Moshiach is a matter of FAITH - and therefore super-rational. What does it have to do
with intellect and learning - which is rational?
World Situation
- If Moshiach is coming, why do things seem to be getting worse?
A New
Light Revealed
- Why should we have to go through this golus?
and Sechel
- One thing about rational arguments - you can't argue from authority. No matter how much
more someone knows than me, you can't tell me, well he holds X, so you must too. If you
are arguing rational you have to convince me of X, or accept that I am not rationally